About Us
Maggie Heyman Hotch, MOT, OTR/L
Maggie earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Occupation with a minor in Sociology/Anthropology in 1999 and Masters in Occupational Therapy in 2001 from Pacific University in Oregon. Clinical rotations included Oregon State Hospital, VA inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation and Providence Neurodevelopmental Center for Children. Following a capstone project at Chemawa Indian High School to develop an Occupational Therapy program as part of the Masters curriculum, Maggie was hired to work with Native Youth ages 13-21 at Chemawa from 2001-2007. In 2003 she authored a $1 million grant for summer school programming for Homeless Native Youth and administered the first summer of the life skills based program. Also in 2003 she received an award of appreciation from the Indian Health Services clinic at Chemawa for outstanding work toward the achievement of Health and Wellness for Native Youth. Her chapter “Occupational Therapy with Native American Youth” was published in 2006 in A Political Practice of Occupational Therapy following an invitation from the editors of the first text in the series, Occupational Therapy Without Borders: Learning from the Spirit of Survivors.
From 2007 to 2010 Maggie worked for the West Linn Wilsonville School District with Kindergarten through Post High School Special Education programs. This experience helps in providing home based services that work in coordination with school-based services as well as supporting families to navigate the process of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for their child. In 2010 Maggie accepted a faculty position with Linn Benton Community College’s developing Occupational Therapy Assistant program where she developed the clinical fieldwork placements and curriculum as well as assisted in the full accreditation of the program in 2011 from the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education. She taught courses in Mental Health, Pediatrics, Activity Analysis and OT Foundations as well as all fieldwork courses.
Maggie served on Pacific University’s Alumni Board of Directors from 2005-2009 and Pacific University School of Occupational Therapy’s Advisory Board from 2007-2010. She has been the research chair for the Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon (OTAO) since 2005 and was Trustee for OTAO from 2006-2010. In 2010 she received the Occupational Therapy Association’s Award of Merit from her peers, which recognizes a significant contribution to the profession in the state of Oregon. From 2014-2016 she served as Legislative Co-Chair for the Alaska Occupational Therapy Association.
Maggie’s husband Daniel is a member of the Chilkat band of Tlingit Natives of Klukwan, Alaska where she has been adopted into the tribe as a Raven. Since the tribe follows matrilineal heritage all of Dan and Maggie’s children are also Ravens. At the time the practice was formed it was named Four Ravens for their four children. They now have five children and live Southeast Alaska where Dan is a commercial fisherman and Maggie provides Occupational Therapy services to the local rural community. The Four Ravens Occupational Therapy logo was gifted to Maggie by Daniel’s sister Katherine Hotch, a member of the Eagle clan, who did the original artwork.
In 2012 Dan and Maggie’s son was diagnosed with Hurler’s Syndrome, and is thriving after a successful bone marrow transplant. The experience of being a special needs parent has provided an insightful lens through which to view family-centered care.