Getting Started
To inquire about therapy in Alaska please call the Four Ravens Occupational Therapy office at 907-766-2101. It is helpful if you have a good understanding of your insurance policy prior to calling. This includes: the dollar amount of your annual deductible and whether or not you have met it for the year, any copay or coinsurance you may be responsible for, number of visits approved for the year, and whether they require us to be a registered provider or obtain prior authorization prior to beginning therapy. This helps us work with you on a timeline and develop the best plan for services that maximizes your benefits but also meets your needs. For example, if your plan only covers one session per month, our therapists come prepared for that session with a home program, ready to train caregivers or clients on easy home exercises to keep progress toward therapy goals moving forward.
The state of Alaska requires a physician referral for Occupational Therapy services, and most providers will want to see you in an office visit prior to the referral. Please let us know if you need support in this process.